Хранилища Subversion geo-modmetar


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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Brief Description
# =================
# fetch_temp.pl is a program that demonstrates how to get the current
# temperature from a nearby (or not) airport using Geo::ModMETAR and the
# LWP modules.
# Given an airport site code on the command line, fetch_temp.pl
# fetches the current temperature and displays it on the
# command-line. For fun, here are some example airports:
# LA     : KLAX
# Dallas : KDFW
# Detroit: KDTW
# Chicago: KMDW

# Get the site code.

my $site_code = shift @ARGV;

die "Usage: $0 <site_code>\n" unless $site_code;

# Get the modules we need.

use Geo::ModMETAR;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;

my $req = new HTTP::Request GET =>

my $response = $ua->request($req);

if (!$response->is_success) {

    print $response->error_as_HTML;
    my $err_msg = $response->error_as_HTML;
    warn "$err_msg\n\n";
    die "$!";

} else {

    # Yep, get the data and find the METAR.

    my $m = new Geo::ModMETAR;
    my $data;
    $data = $response->as_string;               # grap response
    $data =~ s/\n//go;                          # remove newlines
    $data =~ m/($site_code\s\d+Z.*?)</go;       # find the METAR string
    my $metar = $1;                             # keep it

    # Sanity check

    if (length($metar)<10) {
        die "METAR is too short! Something went wrong.";

    # pass the data to the METAR module.

    # ask for the temperature(s)
    my $f_temp = $m->TEMP_F;
    my $c_temp = $m->TEMP_C;

    my $time = localtime(time);
    print "The temperature at $site_code is $f_temp F ($c_temp C) as of $time.\n";

} # end else

