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                        Readme for Mod::Geo::METAR

          Accessing Aviation Weather Information with Perl.

   Copyright (c) 1997-2000, Jeremy D. Zawodny <Jeremy@Zawodny.com>
   Copyright (c) 2007, Koos van den Hout <koos@kzdoos.xs4all.nl>
   Copyright (c) 2010, Alexander Wolf <alex.v.wolf@gmail.com>


    This is the README file for the Mod::Geo::METAR Perl module.

    The Mod::Geo::METAR home page is located at:


    There may be bugs in the code as well as in the documentation. If
    you find either, I'd appreciate a patch or at least a mail message
    to let me know what's wrong so that I can add it to the TODO list.

    Mod::Geo::METAR as been developed and tested on Linux and Solaris 
    as well as Windows NT. It may well work on other platforms. It is
    pure Perl. If you install it on another platform, and have trouble
    I'd like to hear about it. If you develop patches for that
    platform, I'd REALLY like to hear about it. Send me a note.


    You will need Perl 5.005 or newer to install and use
    Mod::Geo::METAR. It may work with older versions of Perl, but I 
    make no guarantees.


    Installing Mod::Geo::METAR is an easy process.

      $ perl Makefile.PL
      $ make
      $ make test
      $ make install


    The documentation is built-in to the Mod::Geo::METAR module in POD
    format.  You can use any of the pod2* converters to translate it
    to a more readable format. The three most common formats are
    'man', 'html', and 'text'.

    When you ran the 'make install' above, documentation should have
    been installed on your system such that 'perldoc Mod::Geo::METAR' 
    will spit it out.  Of course, you can run your favorite pod 
    converter and generate it in alternative formats.


    The following scripts are included in the `examples'
    directory. They are provided as examples. They should provide an
    idea of what you can do with this module.

      simple_dump.pl       Process a simple METAR.
      fetch_temp.pl            Fetch the temperature and print it out.

    If you develop a good example that would be useful to others, I'd
    be glad to add it to the distribution.


    If you're wondering what will come next in Mod::Geo::METAR, see 
    the TODO file.