Хранилища Subversion ant


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 *  Codename: ant-ng - generator of sources.list for Debian and 
 *  distributives, based on Debian
 *  http://alex-w.org.ru/p/antng/
 *  Copyright (c) 2009 Alexander Wolf
 *  Dual licensed under the MIT and GNU LGPL licenses.
 *  http://alex-w.org.ru/p/antng/license

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/init.php";

$reqID  = $secure->$_GET["uuid"];
$distID = $secure->checkInt($_POST["d"]);
$versID = $secure->checkInt($_POST["v"]);

// TODO Написать генерялку sources.list
echo "Oops... Under construction ;)";
