Хранилища Subversion pytwidcpp

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Учитывать пробелы Редакция 5 → Редакция 3

1,6 → 1,52
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
class PacketProcessor:
""" Class for processing tcp packets,
and make DC++ packets. (Merge packets from
one command). """
def __init__(self):
""" Clear buffer and initialize class. """
buffer = ""
def _isFull(self, command):
""" Check buffer for full command. """
if len(command) == 0:
return False
if command[len(command) - 1] == '|':
return True
return False
def Process(self, socket, packet, commandProcessor):
""" Process new tcp packet. """
# Save previous packets
prev = self.buffer
# Clear buffer
self.buffer = ""
# Merge previous and packet
buf = prev + packet
# Split
commands = buf.split('|')
# If Merge result not is full command.
if not self._isFull(buf):
# If count of commands in Merge result is 1
if len(commands) == 1:
# Save Merge result to buffer
self.buffer = commands[0]
commands = []
# Save first from all commands to buffer
self.buffer = commands[len(commands) - 1]
commands = commands[0:len(commands)-1]
# Process every command
for i in commands:
commandProcessor(i, socket)
def ClearBuffer(self):
self.buffer = ""
def createKey(lock):
""" Function create key from lock for DC connections. """
key = {}