Хранилища Subversion ant

Сравнить редакции

Учитывать пробелы Редакция 201 → Редакция 202

30,23 → 30,25
while ($query->fetchInto($setting, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$settings[stripslashes($setting["opt"])] = stripslashes($setting["optvalue"]);
// Fetch information about distribution
// Fetch info about distribution
$query =& $dblink->query("SELECT * FROM version v JOIN distribution d ON d.dist_id=v.dist_id JOIN dtype p ON d.disttype=p.type_id WHERE v.dist_id='$distro' AND v.version_id='$version'");
$query->fetchInto($infodist, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
// Fetch repos
$porigid = -1; // Previous origin id
for ($i=3;$i<count($repos);$i++){
$pre=-1; //wtf?
// Fetch info about origin and scheme
$sql =& $dblink->query("SELECT * FROM repository r JOIN ver2rep v ON r.rep_id=v.rep_id JOIN origin o ON o.orig_id=r.orig_id JOIN version v2 ON v.ver_id=v2.version_id JOIN scheme s ON s.scheme_id=r.scheme_id JOIN root r2 ON r2.root_id=r.root_id WHERE r.rep_id=".$id);
$sql->fetchInto($resinfo, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$repscheme = stripslashes($resinfo["scheme"]);
// Fetch info about sections
$querysect =& $dblink->query("SELECT * FROM section s JOIN sect2rep r ON s.sect_id=r.sect_id WHERE r.rep_id='$resinfo[rep_id]'");
$sections = "";
while ($querysect->fetchInto($section,DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$sections .= stripslashes($section["sectname"])." ";
// Conversion scheme
$repscheme = str_replace("{TYPE}",stripslashes($infodist["type"]),$repscheme);
$repscheme = str_replace("{PROTO}",$settings["proto"],$repscheme);
$repscheme = str_replace("{URL}",$settings["url"],$repscheme);
54,10 → 56,12
$repscheme = str_replace("{DIST}",stripslashes($infodist["vcodename"]),$repscheme);
$repscheme = str_replace("{SECT}",$sections,$repscheme);
$repscheme = str_replace("{ROOT}",stripslashes($resinfo["root_folder"]),$repscheme);
if($pre != $resinfo["orig_id"]) {
// Comment if another origin
if($porigid != $resinfo["orig_id"]) {
$result .= "### ".$resinfo["origin"]."( ".$resinfo["desk"]." ) - ".$resinfo["homeurl"]." ###\n";
$pre = $resinfo["orig_id"];
$porigid = $resinfo["orig_id"];
// Result
$result .= "# ".stripslashes($resinfo["repdescribe"])."\n".$repscheme."\n\n";
return $result;