Хранилища Subversion ant

Сравнить редакции

Не учитывать пробелы Редакция 277 → Редакция 278

26,7 → 26,14
$dist = $secure->wrapInt($_GET["d"]);
$vers = $secure->wrapInt($_GET["v"]);
$reps = $_GET["r"];
$ID = $_GET["id"];
list($dist,$vers,$repstring) = split(",",$ID);
$reps = split("-",$repstring);
$infomsg = array( _("Step"), _("Next step"), _("Mirror selection"), _("Choosing a distribution"), _("Choosing a version of distribution"), _("Selection of repositories"), _("Get sources.list") );
if (!isset($status)) { $status = 0; };
94,11 → 101,12
if ($status==3){$link='<div class="sllink"><a title="Ссылка на этот source.list" href=./classic.php?id='.$dist.",".$vers.",".$getreps.'>#</a></div>';}
$steps="<a href='classic.php'>".$infomsg[0]." 0</a> ::";
if ($status>0){ $steps .= "<a href='classic.php?step=1&m=".$mirr."'> ".$infomsg[0]." 1</a> ::"; } else { $steps.=" ".$infomsg[0]." 1 ::"; }
if ($status>1){ $steps .= "<a href='classic.php?step=2&m=".$mirr."&d=".$dist."'> ".$infomsg[0]." 2</a> ::"; } else{ $steps.=" ".$infomsg[0]." 2 ::"; }
if ($status>2){ $steps .= "<a href='classic.php?step=3&m=".$mirr."&d=".$dist."&v=".$vers."'> ".$infomsg[0]." 3</a> ::"; } else { $steps.=" ".$infomsg[0]." 3 ::"; }
if ($status>3){ $steps .= "<a href='".$_SERVER["php_self"]."'> ".$infomsg[0]." 4</a>"; } else { $steps.=" ".$infomsg[0]." 4"; }
if ($status>3){ $steps .= "<a href=./classic.php?id='.$dist.','.$vers.','.$getreps.'>' ".$infomsg[0]." 4</a>"; } else { $steps.=" ".$infomsg[0]." 4"; }