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Новый файл
0,0 → 1,162
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Хост: localhost
-- Время создания: Июл 29 2009 г., 22:34
-- Версия сервера: 5.0.83
-- Версия PHP: 5.2.10-1ubuntu1
-- nix-files full dump
-- База данных: `nix-files`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Структура таблицы `categories`
`id` int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`category` varchar(15) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
-- Дамп данных таблицы `categories`
INSERT INTO `categories` (`id`, `category`) VALUES
(1, 'file'),
(2, 'repo'),
(3, 'info');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Структура таблицы `members`
`id` int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`member` varchar(50) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
-- Дамп данных таблицы `members`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Структура таблицы `networks`
`id` int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`network` varchar(15) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`link` varchar(50) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
-- Дамп данных таблицы `networks`
INSERT INTO `networks` (`id`, `network`, `link`) VALUES
(1, 'Глоб', ''),
(2, 'Интелби', 'http://www.intelbi.ru/'),
(3, 'Интелека', 'http://www.inteleca.ru/'),
(4, 'АГУ', 'http://www.asu.ru/'),
(5, 'АлтГПА', 'http://www.uni-altai.ru/');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Структура таблицы `resources`
`id` int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`category_id` int(2) NOT NULL,
`resource` varchar(15) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`picture` varchar(50) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`link` varchar(50) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
KEY `category_id` (`category_id`)
-- Дамп данных таблицы `resources`
INSERT INTO `resources` (`id`, `category_id`, `resource`, `picture`, `link`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'ftp', './img/logo/ftp.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1846'),
(2, 2, 'apt', './img/logo/debian.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1370'),
(3, 3, 'dicts', './img/logo/kdict.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1432'),
(4, 3, 'mans', './img/logo/khelpcenter.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1449'),
(5, 2, 'gentoo', './img/logo/gentoo.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1860'),
(6, 2, 'mandriva', './img/logo/mandrake.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2005'),
(7, 2, 'arch', './img/logo/archlinux.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1884'),
(8, 2, 'alt', './img/logo/altlinux.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2009'),
(9, 2, 'freebsd', './img/logo/freebsd.png', 'http://altlug.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1990');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Структура таблицы `res_net_stat`
`id` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`resource_id` int(2) NOT NULL,
`network_id` int(2) NOT NULL,
`state_id` int(2) NOT NULL,
KEY `resource_id` (`resource_id`,`network_id`)
-- Дамп данных таблицы `res_net_stat`
INSERT INTO `res_net_stat` (`id`, `resource_id`, `network_id`, `state_id`) VALUES
(1, 1, 2, 1),
(2, 1, 3, 1),
(3, 1, 4, 4),
(4, 1, 5, 3),
(5, 2, 2, 2),
(6, 2, 3, 2),
(7, 2, 4, 4),
(8, 2, 5, 1),
(9, 3, 1, 1),
(10, 3, 2, 1),
(11, 3, 3, 2),
(12, 3, 5, 3),
(13, 4, 1, 1),
(14, 4, 2, 1),
(15, 4, 3, 2),
(16, 4, 5, 3),
(17, 5, 2, 1),
(18, 5, 3, 1),
(19, 5, 5, 3),
(20, 6, 2, 1),
(21, 6, 3, 1),
(22, 6, 5, 3),
(23, 7, 2, 1),
(24, 7, 3, 1),
(25, 7, 5, 3),
(26, 8, 2, 1),
(27, 8, 3, 1),
(28, 8, 5, 3),
(29, 9, 2, 1),
(30, 9, 3, 1),
(31, 9, 5, 2);
Новый файл
0,0 → 1,100
body {
text-align: center;
h1 {
font: 12pt/12pt;
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h2 {
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h3 {
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margin: 0px 0 35px 0;
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th {
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width: 25%;
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padding: 8px 5px;
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a img {
border: 0;
color: blue;
a {
color: blue;
p#info {
margin-top: 50px;
p#design {
display: none;
color: #a9a9a9;
p#design a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #a9a9a9;
Новый файл
0,0 → 1,8
$DBname = "nix-files";
$DBhost = "localhost";
$DBuser = "nix-files";
$DBpass = "CE7cFNf8csQZQDbN";
Новый файл
0,0 → 1,15
require_once "DB.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/config.inc.php";
$dsn = "mysql://".$DBuser.":".$DBpass."@".$DBhost."/".$DBname;
$db =& DB::connect($dsn,$options);
if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
$query =& $db->query("SET NAMES utf8");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Новый файл
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: inc/footer.htm
--- inc/footer.htm (revision 0)
+++ inc/footer.htm (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ <br>
+ <table id="legend">
+ <tr><td><img src="./img/state/main.png" alt="main"></td><td>Основной ресурс.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><img src="./img/state/mirror.png" alt="mirror"></td><td>Зеркало ресурса.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><img src="./img/state/access.png" alt="access"></td><td>Есть свободный высокоскоростной доступ к ресурсу.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><img src="./img/state/freeze.png" alt="freeze"></td><td>Проект временно недоступен.</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <p id="info">
+ <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img src="./valid-html40-blue.png" alt="Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88"></a>
+ <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.nix-files.intelbi.ru"><img src="./vcss-blue.png" alt="Valid CSS!" height="31" width="88"></a>
+ </p>
+ <p id="design">
+ Дизайнер <a href="http://alex-w.org.ru">Александр Вольф</a>
+ </p>
Index: inc/header.htm
--- inc/header.htm (revision 0)
+++ inc/header.htm (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/loose.dtd">
+<html lang="ru">
+ <meta name="Keywords" content="linux gnu unix software free download documentation operating system intelbi">
+ <meta name="Description" content="nix-files">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
+ <meta name="verify-v1" content="ZBUJHzjxrbMV7MF6WPLOfr1axcHzJQzurV7DTxU3vDo=">
+ <meta name='yandex-verification' content='5480f8ea0632ebfe'>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./nix-files.css">
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
+ <title>niX-FILES</title>
+<body background="bg.gif" bgcolor="#F7F7F7">
+<table id="topmenu">
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="http://altlug.ru"><img src="./img/main.png" ALT="Главная"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://altlug.ru/smf"><img src="./img/forum.png" ALT="Форум" border="0"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://wiki.altlug.ru"><img src="./img/wiki.png" ALT="Wiki"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://track.altlug.ru"><img src="./img/track.png" ALT="Баг-трекер"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://mail.altlug.ru"><img src="./img/mail.png" ALT="Почта"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1561.0.html"><img src="./img/jabber.png" ALT="Jabber"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://svn.altlug.ru"><img src="./img/svn.png" ALT="SVN"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./img/nf.png" ALT="NIX-FILES"></a></td>
+ </tr>
Index: members/index.html
--- members/index.html (revision 0)
+++ members/index.html (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/loose.dtd">
+<html lang="ru">
+ <meta name="Keywords" content="linux gnu unix software free download documentation operating system intelbi">
+ <meta name="Description" content="nix-files">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
+ <meta name="verify-v1" content="ZBUJHzjxrbMV7MF6WPLOfr1axcHzJQzurV7DTxU3vDo=">
+ <meta name='yandex-verification' content='5480f8ea0632ebfe'>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./nix-files.css">
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
+ <title>niX-FILES</title>
+<body background="bg.gif" bgcolor="#F7F7F7">
+<table id="topmenu">
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="http://altlug.ru"><img src="/img/main.png" ALT="Главная"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://altlug.ru/smf"><img src="/img/forum.png" ALT="Форум" border="0"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://wiki.altlug.ru"><img src="/img/wiki.png" ALT="Wiki"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://track.altlug.ru"><img src="/img/track.png" ALT="Баг-трекер"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://mail.altlug.ru"><img src="/img/mail.png" ALT="Почта"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1561.0.html"><img src="/img/jabber.png" ALT="Jabber"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://svn.altlug.ru"><img src="/img/svn.png" ALT="SVN"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://nix-files.org.ru"><img src="/img/nf.png" ALT="NIX-FILES"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <h2>niX-FILES</h2>
+ <h1>любые файлы *nix тематики в локальных сетях Барнаула</h1>
+ <h3><i>изучай/пользуй/обновляй линукс вместе с nix-files.org.ru</i></h3>
+ <center>Участники проекта</center>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>&nbsp;</th>
+ <th>&nbsp;</th>
+ <th>Проект</th>
+ <th>Глоб</th>
+ <th><a href="http://www.intelbi.ru">Интелби</a></th>
+ <th><a href="http://www.inteleca.ru">Интелека</a></th>
+ <th><a href="http://www.asu.ru">АГУ</a></th>
+ <th><a href="http://www.uni-altai.ru">АлтГПА</a></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="1">file</td>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/ftp.png" alt="FTP logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1846.0">ftp</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="ftp://ftp.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="ftp://ftp.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://ftp.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./freeze.png" alt="asu"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://ftp.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="6">repo</td>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/debian.png" alt="Debian logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1370.0">apt</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://apt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-b.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://apt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-b.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://apt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./freeze.png" alt="asu"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://apt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/gentoo.png" alt="Gentoo logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php?topic=1860.0">gentoo</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://gentoo.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://gentoo.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://gentoo.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./freeze.png" alt="asu"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://gentoo.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-b.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/mandrake.png" alt="Mandrake logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,2005.0.html">mandriva</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://mandriva.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://mandriva.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://mandriva.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/archlinux.png" alt="ArchLinux logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1884.0.html">arch</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://arch.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://arch.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://arch.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/altlinux.png" alt="AltLinux logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,2009.0.html">alt</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://alt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://alt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://alt.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/freebsd.png" alt="FreeBSD logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1990">freebsd</a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://freebsd.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://freebsd.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://freebsd.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-b.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="2">info</td>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/kdict.png" alt="KDict logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1432.0.html">dicts</a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://dicts.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="glob"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://dicts.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://dicts.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://dicts.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="./img/logo/khelpcenter.png" alt="KHelpCenter logo"></td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.altlug.ru/smf/index.php/topic,1449.0.html">mans</a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://mans.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="glob"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://mans.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="intelbi"></a></td>
+ <td><a href="http://mans.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="inteleca"></a></td>
+ <td>&mdash;</td>
+ <td><a href="http://mans.nix-files.org.ru"><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="altgpa"></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <br>
+ <table id="legend">
+ <tr><td><img src="./yes-g.png" alt="main"></td><td>Основной ресурс.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><img src="./yes-b.png" alt="mirror"></td><td>Зеркало ресурса.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><img src="./yes-y.png" alt="access"></td><td>Есть свободный высокоскоростной доступ к ресурсу.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><img src="./freeze.png" alt="freeze"></td><td>Проект временно недоступен.</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <p id="info">
+ <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img src="./valid-html40-blue.png" alt="Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88"></a>
+ <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.nix-files.intelbi.ru"><img src="./vcss-blue.png" alt="Valid CSS!" height="31" width="88"></a>
+ </p>
+ <p id="design">
+ Дизайнер <a href="http://alex-w.org.ru">Александр Вольф</a>
+ </p>
Index: details.php
--- details.php (revision 0)
+++ details.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/lib/init.php";
+ include "./inc/header.htm";
+ $dets =& $db->query("SELECT * FROM details WHERE id=1");
+ while ($dets->fetchInto($info_dets, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
+ echo "<h2>".$info_dets['title']."</h2>";
+ echo $info_dets['description']."<br>";
+ echo "Ссылка: <a href='".$info_dets['link']."'>".$info_dets['link']."</a><br>";
+ echo "Обсуждение: <a href='".$info_dets['talklink']."'>".$info_dets['talklink']."</a>";
+ }
Index: bg.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: bg.gif
--- bg.gif (revision 0)
+++ bg.gif (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/ftp.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/ftp.png
--- img/logo/ftp.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/ftp.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/freebsd.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/freebsd.png
--- img/logo/freebsd.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/freebsd.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/gentoo.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/gentoo.png
--- img/logo/gentoo.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/gentoo.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/archlinux.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/archlinux.png
--- img/logo/archlinux.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/archlinux.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/kdict.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/kdict.png
--- img/logo/kdict.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/kdict.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/altlinux.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/altlinux.png
--- img/logo/altlinux.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/altlinux.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/debian.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/debian.png
--- img/logo/debian.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/debian.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/mandrake.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/mandrake.png
--- img/logo/mandrake.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/mandrake.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/logo/khelpcenter.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/logo/khelpcenter.png
--- img/logo/khelpcenter.png (revision 0)
+++ img/logo/khelpcenter.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/state/main.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/state/main.png
--- img/state/main.png (revision 0)
+++ img/state/main.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/state/down.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/state/down.png
--- img/state/down.png (revision 0)
+++ img/state/down.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/state/mirror.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/state/mirror.png
--- img/state/mirror.png (revision 0)
+++ img/state/mirror.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/state/unknown.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/state/unknown.png
--- img/state/unknown.png (revision 0)
+++ img/state/unknown.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/state/freeze.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/state/freeze.png
--- img/state/freeze.png (revision 0)
+++ img/state/freeze.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/state/access.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/state/access.png
--- img/state/access.png (revision 0)
+++ img/state/access.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/mail.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/mail.png
--- img/mail.png (revision 0)
+++ img/mail.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/net/inteleca.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/net/inteleca.png
--- img/net/inteleca.png (revision 0)
+++ img/net/inteleca.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/nf.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/nf.png
--- img/nf.png (revision 0)
+++ img/nf.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/wiki.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/wiki.png
--- img/wiki.png (revision 0)
+++ img/wiki.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/cat/info.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/cat/info.png
--- img/cat/info.png (revision 0)
+++ img/cat/info.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/cat/stat.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/cat/stat.png
--- img/cat/stat.png (revision 0)
+++ img/cat/stat.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/cat/file.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/cat/file.png
--- img/cat/file.png (revision 0)
+++ img/cat/file.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/cat/repo.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/cat/repo.png
--- img/cat/repo.png (revision 0)
+++ img/cat/repo.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/main.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/main.png
--- img/main.png (revision 0)
+++ img/main.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/track.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/track.png
--- img/track.png (revision 0)
+++ img/track.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/jabber.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/jabber.png
--- img/jabber.png (revision 0)
+++ img/jabber.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/svn.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/svn.png
--- img/svn.png (revision 0)
+++ img/svn.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: img/forum.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: img/forum.png
--- img/forum.png (revision 0)
+++ img/forum.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: index.php
--- index.php (revision 0)
+++ index.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/lib/init.php";
+ include "./inc/header.htm";
+ <h2>niX-FILES</h2>
+ <h1>любые файлы *nix тематики в локальных сетях Барнаула</h1>
+ <h3><i>изучай/пользуй/обновляй линукс вместе с nix-files.org.ru</i></h3>
+ // table header
+ $nets =& $db->query("SELECT * FROM networks");
+ echo "<table>";
+ echo "<tr>";
+ echo "<th>&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th>Ресурс</th>";
+ $netlist = array();
+ $netcount = $nets->numRows();
+ $n = 0;
+ while ($nets->fetchInto($info_nets, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
+ // network name & link
+ if ($info_nets['link']=="") { echo "<th>".$info_nets['network']."</th>"; }
+ else { echo "<th><a href='".$info_nets['link']."'>".$info_nets['network']."</a></th>"; }
+ // netlist
+ $netlist[$n] = $info_nets['id'];
+ $n++;
+ }
+ echo "</tr>";
+ // table body
+ $cats =& $db->query("SELECT * FROM categories");
+ while ($cats->fetchInto($info_cats, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
+ $res =& $db->query("SELECT * FROM resources WHERE category_id=".$info_cats['id']);
+ $first = true;
+ while ($res->fetchInto($info_res, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
+ echo "<tr>";
+ // add rowspan on first resource on category
+ if ($first) {
+ echo "<td rowspan='".$res->numRows()."'>".$info_cats['category']."</td>";
+ $first = false;
+ }
+ // resource picture
+ echo "<td><img src='".$info_res['picture']."' alt='".$info_res['resource']."'></td>";
+ // resource name & link
+ if ($info_res['link']=="") { echo "<td>".$info_res['resource']."</td>"; }
+ else { echo "<td><a href='".$info_res['link']."'>".$info_res['resource']."</a></td>"; }
+ // resource state by network
+ for ($i=0;$i<$netcount;$i++) {
+ $curstate =& $db->getOne("SELECT state_id FROM res_net_stat WHERE resource_id=".$info_res['id']." AND network_id=".$netlist[$i]);
+ $curimg = "./img/state/unknown.png";
+ if ($curstate == null) {
+ echo "<td>&mdash;</td>";
+ }
+ else {
+ // !replace in future!
+ switch ($curstate) {
+ case '1':
+ $curimg = "./img/state/main.png";
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ $curimg = "./img/state/mirror.png";
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ $curimg = "./img/state/access.png";
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ $curimg = "./img/state/freeze.png";
+ break;
+ }
+ echo "<td><img src='".$curimg."' alt='nop'></td>";
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</tr>";
+ }
+ }
+ // table footer
+ echo "</table>";
+ include "./inc/footer.htm";
Index: valid-html40-blue.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: valid-html40-blue.png
--- valid-html40-blue.png (revision 0)
+++ valid-html40-blue.png (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: favicon.ico
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: favicon.ico
--- favicon.ico (revision 0)
+++ favicon.ico (revision 2)
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property