Хранилища Subversion apt-scan

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#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
import sqlalchemy.orm
import optparse
import pkg.entities
from pkg.entities import Distr, Codename, Suite, Path
import pkg.scanner
cmd_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog [options] scan_dir",
description="%prog - scans scan_dir and finds all repos",
version = "0.0.1")
cmd_parser.add_option("--create-db", action="store_true", dest="create_db", default=False,
help = "create a database, does not effect if database already exists",)
cmd_parser.add_option("--tbl-prefix", type="string", action="store", dest="sql_tbl_prfx",
help = "this prefix will be used during creation database`s tables" )
cmd_parser.add_option("--connect-str", type="string", action="store", dest="sql_connect_str", default="sqlite:///repo.db",
help = "this option set current sql-engine and additionally username and password." +
"For more instructions see \"sqlalchemy\" 'create_engine'`s references manual. default value is 'sqlite:///repo.db'")
cmd_parser.add_option("--fill-tbls", action="store_true", dest="verbose", dest="fill_tbls", default=False,
help = "fill main tables with persist information");
cmd_parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False);
(options, args) = cmd_parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
cmd_parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
if options.verbose:
if options.create_db:
if options.sql_tbl_prfx != None:
cmd_parser.error("incorrect syntax: --tbl-prefix can be used only with --create-db")
sess = sqlalchemy.orm.scoped_session(sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=pkg.entities.Base.metadata.bind))
if options.fill_tbls:
ub = Distr('ubuntu')
ub.codenames = [Codename("intrepid")]
deb = Distr('debian')
deb.codenames = [Codename("etch"), Codename("lenny")]
sess.add_all([ub, deb])
scan_inf = pkg.scanner.start(args[0])
cns_r = dict([ [cn.caption, cn] for cn in sess.query(Codename).order_by(Codename.id) ])
for cn_l in scan_inf:
if cn_l in cns_r:
sts_r = dict([ [st_r.caption, st_r] for st_r in cns_r[cn_l].suites ])
for st_l in scan_inf[cn_l]:
if st_l in sts_r:
print (sts_r[st_l].pathes, '<<---')
sts_r[st_l] = Suite(st_l)
sts_r[st_l].codename = cns_r[cn_l]
print (sess.dirty)
# print (cns_r[cn_l], cns_r[cn_l].distr)
#for dn_r in dst_inf:
#cn_inf = dict([[cn.caption, cn] for cn in dst_inf[dn_r].codenames])
#print (scan_inf | cn_inf)
#for cn_l in scan_inf:
#if cn_l in cn_inf:
#print (cn_l, "in", dn_r)
# d = dict([(cn.caption, cn) for cn in dst_inf[dn].codenames])
# print
# for cn in scan_inf:
# print (cn, "in", dn)
#for cn in repoinf:
#print (cn)
#for st in repoinf[cn]:
#print ("====", st)
#for p in repoinf[cn][st]:
#print ("========", p)
#distr = ents.Distr('ubuntu')
Изменения свойств:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: pkg/__init__.py
--- pkg/__init__.py (revision 0)
+++ pkg/__init__.py (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+__all__ = ["entities"]
+__doc__ = """
+this is a top package
Index: pkg/entities.py
--- pkg/entities.py (revision 0)
+++ pkg/entities.py (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import sqlalchemy.orm
+import sqlalchemy.ext
+import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
+import sqlite3
+from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey, create_engine, UniqueConstraint
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+DB_STRING = "sqlite:///repo.db"
+Base = declarative_base(bind = create_engine(DB_STRING, module = sqlite3.dbapi2, echo = False))
+class Distr(Base):
+ __tablename__= 'distr'
+ id = Column("d_id", Integer, primary_key=True)
+ caption = Column("d_caption", String(50), nullable=False, unique=True)
+ codenames = relation("Codename", primaryjoin="Distr.id == Codename.distr_id", order_by="Codename.distr_id", backref="distr")
+ def __init__(self, caption):
+ self.caption = caption
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Distr('%s')>" % (self.caption)
+class Codename(Base):
+ __tablename__ = "codename"
+ id = Column("cn_id", Integer, primary_key=True)
+ distr_id = Column("d_id", Integer, ForeignKey("distr.d_id"), nullable=False)
+ caption = Column("cn_caption", String(50), nullable=False)
+ UniqueConstraint("distr_id", "caption")
+ suites = relation("Suite", primaryjoin="Codename.id == Suite.codename_id", order_by="Suite.codename_id", backref="suite")
+ def __init__(self, caption):
+ self.caption = caption
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Codename('%s')>" % (self.caption)
+class Suite(Base):
+ __tablename__ = "suite"
+ id = Column("st_id", Integer, primary_key=True)
+ codename_id = Column ("cn_id", Integer, ForeignKey("codename.cn_id"), nullable=False)
+ caption = Column ("st_caption", String(50), nullable=False)
+ UniqueConstraint ("cn_id", "st_caption")
+ pathes = relation("Path", primaryjoin="Suite.id == Path.suite_id", order_by="Path.suite_id", backref="suite")
+ def __init__(self, caption):
+ self.caption = caption
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Suite('%s')>" % (self.caption)
+class Path(Base):
+ __tablename__ = "path"
+ suite_id = Column("st_id", Integer, ForeignKey("suite.st_id"), primary_key=True)
+ path = Column ("st_caption", String(50), primary_key=True)
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.path = path
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Path('%s')>" % (self.path)
Index: pkg/scanner.py
--- pkg/scanner.py (revision 0)
+++ pkg/scanner.py (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import os
+import os.path
+def start(spath):
+ """
+ this function takes one argument "spath", directory
+ which from we should start to search repos
+ and returns dict with search result
+ """
+ repoinf = dict()
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(spath):
+#python2.6`s os.walk() has new param "followsymlinks" and this hack will be removed as soon as possible
+ for dname in dirs:
+ lrepoinf = dict()
+ if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, dname)):
+ lrepoinf = start(os.path.join(root, dname))
+ for cn in lrepoinf:
+ if cn in repoinf:
+ for st in lrepoinf[cn]:
+ if st in repoinf[cn]:
+ repoinf[cn][st].add(lrepoinf[cn][st])
+ else:
+ repoinf[cn][st] = lrepoinf[cn][st]
+ else:
+ repoinf[cn] = lrepoinf[cn]
+ if "Release" in files:
+ cn = "" #codename
+ st = "" #suite
+ rfile = open (os.path.join(root, "Release"))
+ for l in rfile:
+ if l.startswith("Codename"):
+ #a little hack, coz of "infra"`s stupid "Codename"s like "interpid-security" instadeof "interpid"
+ cn = l[9:].strip().split("-")[0]
+ elif l.startswith("Suite"):
+ st = l[6:].strip()
+ if len(cn) > 0 and len(st) > 0:
+ if cn in repoinf:
+ if st in repoinf[cn]:
+ repoinf[cn][st].add(root)
+ else:
+ repoinf[cn][st] = set((root, ))
+ else:
+ repoinf[cn] = dict()
+ repoinf[cn][st] = set((root,))
+ break
+ rfile.close();
+ return repoinf