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Readme for Geo::ModMETAR
Accessing Aviation Weather Information with Perl.
Copyright (c) 1997-2000, Jeremy D. Zawodny <Jeremy@Zawodny.com>
Copyright (c) 2007, Koos van den Hout <koos@kzdoos.xs4all.nl>
Copyright (c) 2010, Alexander Wolf <alex.v.wolf@gmail.com>
This is the README file for the Geo::ModMETAR Perl module.
The Geo::ModMETAR home page is located at:
There may be bugs in the code as well as in the documentation. If
you find either, I'd appreciate a patch or at least a mail message
to let me know what's wrong so that I can add it to the TODO list.
Geo::ModMETAR as been developed and tested on Linux and Solaris
as well as Windows NT. It may well work on other platforms. It is
pure Perl. If you install it on another platform, and have trouble
I'd like to hear about it. If you develop patches for that
platform, I'd REALLY like to hear about it. Send me a note.
You will need Perl 5.005 or newer to install and use
Geo::ModMETAR. It may work with older versions of Perl, but I
make no guarantees.
Installing Geo::ModMETAR is an easy process.
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
The documentation is built-in to the Geo::ModMETAR module in POD
format. You can use any of the pod2* converters to translate it
to a more readable format. The three most common formats are
'man', 'html', and 'text'.
When you ran the 'make install' above, documentation should have
been installed on your system such that 'perldoc Geo::ModMETAR'
will spit it out. Of course, you can run your favorite pod
converter and generate it in alternative formats.
The following scripts are included in the `examples'
directory. They are provided as examples. They should provide an
idea of what you can do with this module.
simple_dump.pl Process a simple ModMETAR.
fetch_temp.pl Fetch the temperature and print it out.
If you develop a good example that would be useful to others, I'd
be glad to add it to the distribution.
If you're wondering what will come next in Geo::ModMETAR, see
the TODO file.
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: fetch_temp.pl,v 1.1 2007/11/13 21:19:27 koos Exp $
# Brief Description
# =================
# fetch_temp.pl is a program that demonstrates how to get the current
# temperature from a nearby (or not) airport using Geo::METAR and the
# LWP modules.
# Given an airport site code on the command line, fetch_temp.pl
# fetches the current temperature and displays it on the
# command-line. For fun, here are some example airports:
# Dallas : KDFW
# Detroit: KDTW
# Chicago: KMDW
# Get the site code.
my $site_code = shift @ARGV;
die "Usage: $0 <site_code>\n" unless $site_code;
# Get the modules we need.
use Geo::ModMETAR;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $req = new HTTP::Request GET =>
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if (!$response->is_success) {
print $response->error_as_HTML;
my $err_msg = $response->error_as_HTML;
warn "$err_msg\n\n";
die "$!";
} else {
# Yep, get the data and find the METAR.
my $m = new Geo::ModMETAR;
my $data;
$data = $response->as_string; # grap response
$data =~ s/\n//go; # remove newlines
$data =~ m/($site_code\s\d+Z.*?)</go; # find the METAR string
my $metar = $1; # keep it
# Sanity check
if (length($metar)<10) {
die "METAR is too short! Something went wrong.";
# pass the data to the METAR module.
# ask for the temperature(s)
my $f_temp = $m->TEMP_F;
my $c_temp = $m->TEMP_C;
my $time = localtime(time);
print "The temperature at $site_code is $f_temp F ($c_temp C) as of $time.\n";
} # end else
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# $Id: simple_dump.pl,v 1.1 2007/11/13 21:19:27 koos Exp $
# Example script for METAR.pm.
use Geo::ModMETAR;
my $m = new Geo::ModMETAR;
$m->metar("KFDY 251450Z 21012G21KT 8SM OVC065 04/M01 A3010 RMK 57014");
Новый файл
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# AW: create fork Geo::METAR as Geo::ModMETAR
# KH: fix the parser
# should be a finite state machine
# - metar has rules what comes after what. but codes can be missing.
# (measurement not done) or //// (measurement broken at the moment)
# so given a state counter, it can stay the same or go up one or more states,
# but it can never go down
# info on the last bit which is actually a forecast: (German)
# http://www.wetterklima.de/flug/metar/Metarvorhersage.htm
# more info here (dutch, and txt 707 is not standard metar)
# http://www.vwkweb.nl/index.html?http://www.vwkweb.nl/weerinfo/weerinfo_teletekst707.html
# and also (dutch)
# http://www.gids.nl/weather/eheh/metari.html
# 'METAR decoding in Europe'
# http://users.hol.gr/~chatos/VATSIM/TM/metar.html
# english explanation
# http://booty.org.uk/booty.weather/metinfo/codes/METAR_decode.htm
# canadian explanation
# http://meteocentre.com/doc/metar.html
# 'METAR decoding, TAF decoding'
# http://stoivane.kapsi.fi/metar/
# This module is used for decoding NWS METAR code.
# Example METARs
# Findlay, Ohio
# KFDY 251450Z 21012G21KT 8SM OVC065 04/M01 A3010 RMK SLP201 57014
# Toledo, Ohio
# KTOL 251451Z 23016G22KT 8SM CLR 04/00 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP185 T00440000 56016
# Cleveland, Ohio
# KCLE 251554Z 20015KT 10SM FEW055 OVC070 03/M02 A3011 RMK AO2 SLP205 T00331017
# Houston, Texas
# KHST 251455Z 06017G22KT 7SM FEW040 BKN330 25/18 A3016 RMK SLP213 8/508
# 9/205 51007
# LA
# KLAX 251450Z 07004KT 7SM SCT100 BKN200 14/11 A3005 RMK AO2 SLP173
# T01390111 56005
# Soesterberg
# EHSB 181325Z 24009KT 8000 -RA BR FEW011 SCT022 OVC030 07/06 Q1011 WHT WHT TEMPO GRN
# For METAR info, please see
# http://tgsv5.nws.noaa.gov/oso/oso1/oso12/metar.htm
# moved
# http://metar.noaa.gov/
# in scary detail (metar coding)
# http://metar.noaa.gov/table_master.jsp?sub_menu=yes&show=fmh1ch12.htm&dir=./handbook/&title=title_handbook
# The METAR specification is dictated in the Federal Meteorological Handbook
# which is available on-line at:
# http://tgsv5.nws.noaa.gov/oso/oso1/oso12/fmh1.htm
# General Structure is:
# Specifically:
# TYPE (optional)
# METAR: regular report
# SPECI: special report
# SITE (required, only once)
# 4-Char site identifier (KLAX for LA, KHST for Houston)
# DATE/TIME (required, only once)
# 6-digit time followed by "Z", indicating UTC
# REPORT MODIFIER (optional)
# AUTO = Automatic report (no human intervention)
# COR = Corrected METAR or SPECI
# WIND (group)
# Wind direction (\d\d\d) and speed (\d?\d\d) and optionaling gusting
# information denoted by "G" and speed (\d?\d\d) followed by "KT", for knots.
# Wind direction MAY be "VRB" (variable) instead of a compass direction.
# Variable Wind Direction (Speeds greater than 6 knots). Variable wind
# direction with wind speed greater than 6 knots shall be coded in the
# format, dndndnVdxdxdx
# Calm wind is recorded as 00000KT.
# VISIBILITY (group)
# Visibility (\d+) followed by "SM" for statute miles or no 'SM' for meters
# (european)
# May be 1/(\d)SM for a fraction.
# May be M1/\d)SM for less than a given fraction. (M="-")
# \d\d\d\d according to KNMI
# lowest horizontal visibility (looking around)
# round down
# 0000 - 0500m in steps of 0050m
# 0500 - 5000m in steps of 0100m
# 5000 - 9999m in steps of 1000m
# 10km or more is 9999
# RUNWAY Visual Range (Group)
# R(\d\d\d)(L|C|R)?/((M|P)?\d\d\d\d){1,2}FT
# Where:
# $1 is the runway number.
# $2 is the runway (Left/Center/Right) for parallel runways.
# $3 is the reported visibility in feet.
# $4 is the MAXIMUM reported visibility, making $3 the MINIMUM.
# "M" beginning a value means less than the reportable value of \d\d\d\d.
# "P" beginning a value means more than the reportable value of \d\d\d\d.
# new
# R(\d\d\d[LCR]?)/([MP]?\d\d\d\d)(V[MP]?\d\d\d\d)?FT
# $1 runway number + Left/Center/Right
# $2 visibility feet
# $3 Varying feet
# M = less than
# P = more than
# WEATHER (Present Weather Group)
# See table in Chapter 12 of FMH-1.
# CLOUDS (Sky Condition Group)
# A space-separated grouping of cloud conditions which will contain at least
# one cloud report. Examples: "CLR", "BKN330", "SCT100", "FEW055", "OVC070"
# The three-letter codes represent the condition (Clear, Broken, Scattered,
# Few, Overcast) and the numbers (\d\d\d) represent altitlude/100.
# The report may have a trailing CB (cumulonimbus) or TCU (towering
# cumulus) appended. ([A-Z]{2,3})?(\d\d\d)(CB|TCU)?
# Vertical visibility (VV)
# VV
# This group is reported when the sky is obscured. VV is the group indicator,
# and hshshs is the vertical visibility in units of 30 metres
# (hundreds of feet).
# hshshs - Examples of Encoding
# 100 ft (30 metres) 001
# 450 ft (135 metres) 004
# 2,700 ft (810 metres) 027
# 12,600 ft (3,780 metres) 1300
# source http://meteocentre.com/doc/metar.html
# (M?\d\d)/(M?\d\d) where $1 is the current temperature in degrees celcius,
# and $2 is the current dewpoint in degrees celcius.
# The "M" signifies a negative temperature, so converting the "M" to a
# "-" ought to suffice.
# The pressure, or altimeter setting, at the reporting site recorded in whole
# hectopascals (starts with a Q) or inches of mercury (Hg) minus the decimal
# point (starts with an A). It should always look like ([AQ]\d\d\d\d).
# KNMI: Q\d\d\d\d pressure in hPa calculated for sea level
# Remarks contain additional information. They are optional but often
# informative of special conditions.
# Remarks begin with the "RMK" keyword and continue to the end of the line.
# trend group
# color codes BLU WHT GRN YLO AMB RED
# BLACK: vliegveld dicht
# future trend
# NOSIG no significant change
# TEMPO temporary change
# WHT WHT TEMPO GRN = current white, prediction white temporary green
# NSW no significant weather
# AT at a given time
# PROB30 probability 30%
# BECMG becoming
# BECMG (weather) FM \d\d\d\d TL \d\d\d\d = from until utc times
# BECMG (weather) AT \d\d\d\d = at utc time
# BECMG (weather) TL \d\d\d\d = change until utc time
# BECMG 2000 visibility
# BECMG NSW weather type
# etc etc
# FCST CANCEL (2 tokens!) Forecast cancel: no further forecasts for a while
### Package Definition
package Geo::ModMETAR; # Package based on Debian Geo::METAR
## Required Modules
use 5.005;
use strict;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD $VERSION);
use Carp 'cluck';
$VERSION = '1.0'; # Based on Debian Geo::METAR 1.15
## Lookup tables
my %_weather_types = (
MI => 'shallow',
PI => 'partial',
BC => 'patches',
DR => 'drizzle',
BL => 'blowing',
SH => 'shower(s)',
TS => 'thunderstorm',
FZ => 'freezing',
DZ => 'drizzle',
RA => 'rain',
SN => 'snow',
SG => 'snow grains',
IC => 'ice crystals',
PE => 'ice pellets',
GR => 'hail',
GS => 'small hail/snow pellets',
UP => 'unknown precip',
BR => 'mist',
FG => 'fog',
PRFG => 'fog banks', # officially PR is a modifier of FG
FU => 'smoke',
VA => 'volcanic ash',
DU => 'dust',
SA => 'sand',
HZ => 'haze',
PY => 'spray',
PO => 'dust/sand whirls',
SQ => 'squalls',
FC => 'funnel cloud(tornado/waterspout)',
SS => 'sand storm',
DS => 'dust storm',
my $_weather_types_pat = join("|", keys(%_weather_types));
my %_weather_types_ru = (
MI => 'мелкий',
PI => 'частный',
BC => 'местами',
DR => 'небольшой дождь',
BL => 'порывистый ветер',
SH => 'ливень',
TS => 'гроза',
FZ => 'заморозки',
DZ => 'небольшой дождь',
RA => 'дождь',
SN => 'снег',
SG => 'снег гранулами',
IC => 'ледяные кристаллы',
PE => 'ледяные шарики',
GR => 'град',
GS => 'небольшой град',
UP => '',
BR => 'легкий туман',
FG => 'туман',
PRFG => 'образование тумана',
FU => 'дым',
VA => 'вулканический пепел',
DU => 'пыль',
SA => 'песок',
HZ => 'дымка',
PY => 'водяная пыль',
PO => 'песчаные или пылевые вихри',
SQ => 'шквалистый ветер',
FC => 'торнадо',
SS => 'песчанная буря',
DS => 'пылевая буря',
my $_weather_types_ru_pat = join("|", keys(%_weather_types_ru));
my %_sky_types = (
SKC => "Sky Clear",
CLR => "Sky Clear",
SCT => "Scattered",
BKN => "Broken",
FEW => "Few",
OVC => "Solid Overcast",
NSC => "No significant clouds",
NCD => "No cloud detected",
my %_sky_types_ru = (
SKC => "ясно",
CLR => "ясно",
SCT => "переменная облачность",
BKN => "переменная облачность",
FEW => "слабая облачность",
OVC => "сплошная облачность",
NSC => "незначительная облачность",
NCD => "безоблачно",
my %_trend_types = (
BLU => "8 km view",
WHT => "5 km view",
GRN => "3.7 km view",
YLO => "1.6 km view",
AMB => "0.8 km view",
RED => "< 0.8 km view",
BLACK => "airport closed",
NOSIG => "No significant change",
TEMPO => "Temporary change",
NSW => "No significant weather",
PROB => "Probability",
BECMG => "Becoming",
LAST => "Last",
my $_trend_types_pat = join("|", keys(%_trend_types));
## Constructor.
sub new
my $this = shift;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = {};
## UPPERCASE items have documented accssor functions (methods) or
## use AUTOLOAD, while lowercase items are reserved for internal
## use.
$self->{VERSION} = $VERSION; # version number
$self->{METAR} = undef; # the actual, raw METAR
$self->{TYPE} = undef; # the type of report
$self->{SITE} = undef; # site code
$self->{DATE} = undef; # when it was issued
$self->{TIME} = undef; # time it was issued
$self->{MOD} = undef; # modifier (AUTO/COR)
$self->{WIND_DIR_DEG} = undef; # wind dir in degrees
$self->{WIND_DIR_ENG} = undef; # wind dir in english (Northwest/Southeast)
$self->{WIND_DIR_RUS} = undef; # wind dir in russian (Северо-западный/Юго-восточный)
$self->{WIND_DIR_ABB} = undef; # wind dir in abbreviated english (NW/SE)
$self->{WIND_KTS} = undef; # wind speed (knots)
$self->{WIND_GUST_KTS} = undef; # wind gusts (knots)
$self->{WIND_MPH} = undef; # wind speed (MPH)
$self->{WIND_GUST_MPH} = undef; # wind gusts (MPH)
$self->{WIND_MS} = undef; # wind speed (m/s)
$self->{WIND_GUST_MS} = undef; # wind gusts (m/s)
$self->{WIND_VAR} = undef; # wind variation (text)
$self->{WIND_VAR_1} = undef; # wind variation (direction 1)
$self->{WIND_VAR_2} = undef; # wind variation (direction 2)
$self->{WIND_VAR_ENG_1}= undef; # wind variation (text, direction 1)
$self->{WIND_VAR_ENG_2}= undef; # wind variation (text, direction 2)
$self->{VISIBILITY} = undef; # visibility info
$self->{RUNWAY} = [ ]; # runway vis.
$self->{RH} = undef; # relative humidity
$self->{WEATHER} = [ ]; # current weather
$self->{WEATHER_LOG} = [ ]; # weather log
$self->{SKY} = [ ]; # current sky (cloudcover)
$self->{TEMP_F} = undef; # current temp, celsius
$self->{TEMP_C} = undef; # converted to fahrenheit
$self->{TEMP_WC} = undef; # current windchill temp, celsius
$self->{DEW_F} = undef; # dew point, celcius
$self->{DEW_C} = undef; # dew point, fahrenheit
$self->{HOURLY_TEMP_F} = undef; # hourly current temp, celcius
$self->{HOURLY_TEMP_C} = undef; # hourly converted to fahrenheit
$self->{HOURLY_DEW_F} = undef; # hourly dew point, celcius
$self->{HOURLY_DEW_C} = undef; # hourly dew point, fahrenheit
$self->{HOURLY_PRECIP} = undef; # hourly precipitation
$self->{ALT} = undef; # altimeter setting (Hg)
$self->{ALT_HP} = undef; # altimeter setting (hPa)
$self->{SLP} = undef; # sea level pressure
$self->{REMARKS} = undef; # remarks
$self->{WEATHER_RAW} = [ ]; # RAW data for weather
$self->{WEATHER_RUS} = [ ]; # current weather in Russian
$self->{SKY_RAW} = [ ]; # RAW data for sky
$self->{SKY_RUS} = [ ]; # current sky in Russian
$self->{VISIBILITY_RUS}= undef; # visibility info
$self->{tokens} = [ ]; # the "token" list
$self->{type} = "METAR"; # the report type (METAR/SPECI)
# default=METAR
$self->{site} = undef; # the site code (4 chars)
$self->{date_time} = undef; # date/time
$self->{modifier} = undef; # the AUTO/COR modifier
$self->{wind} = undef; # the wind information
$self->{windtype} = undef; # the wind speed type (knots/meterpersecond/kilometersperhour)
$self->{windvar} = undef; # the wind variation
$self->{visibility} = undef; # visibility information
$self->{runway} = undef; # runway visibility
$self->{weather} = [ ]; # current weather conditions
$self->{sky} = [ ]; # sky conditions (cloud cover)
$self->{temp_dew} = undef; # temp and dew pt.
$self->{alt} = undef; # altimeter setting
$self->{pressure} = undef; # pressure (HPa)
$self->{slp} = undef; # sea level pressure
$self->{remarks} = [ ]; # remarks
$self->{debug} = undef; # enable debug trace
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
## Autoload for access methods to stuff in %fields hash. We should
## probably disallow access to the lower-case items as stated above,
## but I don't feel like being a Nazi about it. Besides, I haven't
## checked to see what that might break.
my $self = shift;
if (not ref $self)
cluck "bad AUTOLOAD for obj [$self]";
if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(.*)/)
my $key = $1;
## Backward compatible temps...
my %compat = (
F_DEW => 'DEW_F',
C_DEW => 'DEW_C',
if ($compat{$key})
$key = $compat{$key};
## Check for the items...
if (exists $self->{$key})
return $self->{$key};
return undef;
warn "strange AUTOLOAD problem!";
return undef;
## Get current version number.
sub version
my $self = shift;
print "version() called.\n" if $self->{debug};
return $self->{VERSION};
## Take a METAR, tokenize, and process it.
sub metar
my $self = shift;
if (@_)
$self->{METAR} = shift;
$self->{METAR} =~ s/\n//g; ## nuke any newlines
return $self->{METAR};
## Break {METAR} into parts. Stuff into @tokens.
sub _tokenize
my $self = shift;
my $tok;
my @toks;
# Split tokens on whitespace.
@toks = split(/\s+/, $self->{METAR});
$self->{tokens} = \@toks;
## Process @tokens to populate METAR values.
## This is a long and involved subroutine. It basically copies the
## @tokens array and treats it as a stack, popping off items,
## examining them, and see what they look like. Based on their
## "apppearance" it takes care populating the proper fields
## internally.
sub _process
my $self = shift;
my @toks = @{$self->{tokens}}; # copy tokens array...
my $tok;
## This is a semi-brute-force way of doing things, but the amount
## of data is relatively small, so it shouldn't be a big deal.
## Ideally, I'd have it skip checks for items which have been
## found, but that would make this more "linear" and I'd remove
## the pretty while loop.
# KH: modified to maintain state to not get lost in remarks and stuff
# and be a lot better at parsing
# states
my $expect_type = 0;
my $expect_site = 1;
my $expect_datetime = 2;
my $expect_modifier = 3;
my $expect_wind = 4;
my $expect_visibility = 5;
my $expect_runwayvisual = 6;
my $expect_presentweather = 7;
my $expect_clouds = 8;
my $expect_temperature = 9;
my $expect_pressure = 10;
my $expect_recentweather = 11;
my $expect_remarks = 12;
my $expect_usremarks = 13;
my $parsestate = $expect_type;
# windtypes
my $wt_knots = 1;
my $wt_mps = 2;
my $wt_kph = 3;
## Assume standard report by default
$self->{type} = "METAR";
$self->{TYPE} = "Routine Weather Report";
while (defined($tok = shift(@toks))) ## as long as there are tokens
print "trying to match [$tok] state is $parsestate\n" if $self->{debug};
## is it a report type?
if (($parsestate == $expect_type) and ($tok =~ /(METAR|SPECI)/i))
$self->{type} = $tok;
if ($self->{type} eq "METAR")
$self->{TYPE} = "Routine Weather Report";
elsif ($self->{type} eq "SPECI")
$self->{TYPE} = "Special Weather Report";
print "[$tok] is a report type.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_site;
## is is a site ID?
elsif (($parsestate <= $expect_site) and ($tok =~ /([A-Z]{4}|K[A-Z0-9]{3})/))
$self->{site} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is a site ID.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_datetime;
## is it a date/time?
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_datetime) and ($tok =~ /\d{6,6}Z/i))
$self->{date_time} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is a date/time.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_modifier;
## is it a report modifier?
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_modifier) and ($tok =~ /AUTO|COR|CC[A-Z]/i))
$self->{modifier} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is a report modifier.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_wind;
## is it wind information in knots?
# eew: KT seems to be optional
# but making it optional fails on other stuff
# sortafix: wind needs to be \d\d\d\d\d or VRB\d\d
# optional \d\d\d\d\dG\d\d\d (gust direction)
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_visibility) and ($tok =~ /(\d{3}|VRB)\d{2}(G\d{1,3})?(KT)?$/i))
$self->{wind} = $tok;
$self->{windtype} = $wt_knots;
print "[$tok] is wind information in knots.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_wind; # stay in wind, it can have variation
## is it wind information in meters per second?
## can be variable too
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_visibility) and ($tok =~ /^(\d{3}|VRB)\d{2}(G\d{2,3})?MPS$/))
$self->{wind} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is wind information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$self->{windtype} = $wt_mps;
$parsestate = $expect_wind; # stay in wind, it can have variation
## is it wind variation information?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_wind) and ($parsestate < $expect_visibility) and ($tok =~ /^\d{3}V\d{3}$/))
$self->{windvar} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is wind variation information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_visibility;
## wind information missing at the moment?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_wind) and ($parsestate < $expect_visibility) and ($tok =~ /^\/\/\/\/\/(KT|MPS)$/)){
print "[$tok] is missing wind information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_visibility;
## is it visibility information in meters?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_runwayvisual) and ($tok =~ /^\d{4}$/))
$self->{visibility} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is numerical visibility information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_visibility;
## auto visibility information in meters?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_runwayvisual) and ($tok =~ /^\d{4}NDV$/))
$self->{visibility} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is automatic numerical visibility information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_visibility;
## is it visibility information in statute miles?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_runwayvisual) and ($tok =~ /.*?SM$/i))
$self->{visibility} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is statute miles visibility information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_visibility;
## is it visibility information with a leading digit?
## sample:
## KERV 132345Z AUTO 07008KT 1 1/4SM HZ 34/11 A3000 RMK AO2
## ^^^^^^^
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_runwayvisual) and ($tok =~ /^\d$/))
$tok .= " " . shift(@toks);
$self->{visibility} = $tok;
print "[$tok] is multi-part visibility information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_visibility;
## visibility modifier
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_visibility) and ($tok =~ /^\d{4}(N|S|E|W|NE|NW|SE|SW)$/))
print "[$tok] is a visibility modifier.\n" if $self->{debug};
## is it runway visibility info?
# KH: I've seen runway visibility with 'U' units
# EHSB 121425Z 22010KT 1200 R27/1600U -DZ BKN003 OVC007 07/07 Q1016 AMB FCST CANCEL
# U= going up, D= going down, N= no change
# tendency of visual range, http://stoivane.kapsi.fi/metar/
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_presentweather) and ($tok =~ /R\d+(L|R|C)?\/P?\d+(VP?\d+)?(FT|D|U|N|\/)?$/i))
push (@{$self->{RUNWAY}},$tok);
print "[$tok] is runway visual information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_runwayvisual;
# there can be multiple runways, so stay at this state
## is it current weather info?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_clouds) and ($tok =~ /^(-|\+)?(VC)?($_weather_types_pat)+/i))
my $engl = "";
my $rusl = "";
my $rawl = "";
my $qual = $1;
my $addlqual = $2;
## qualifier
if (defined $qual)
if ( $qual eq "-" ) {
$engl = "light";
$rusl = "легкий";
} elsif ( $qual eq "+" ) {
$engl = "heavy";
$rusl = "сильный";
} else {
$engl = ""; ## moderate
$rusl = "";
$rawl = $qual;
$engl = ""; ## moderate
$rusl = "";
$rawl = "";
while ( $tok =~ /($_weather_types_pat)/gi )
$engl .= " " . $_weather_types{$1}; ## figure out weather
$rusl .= " " . $_weather_types_ru{$1};
$rawl .= " " . $1;
## addl qualifier
if (defined $addlqual)
if ( $addlqual eq "VC" )
$engl .= " in vicinity";
$rusl .= " в окрестностях";
$engl =~ s/^\s//gio;
$engl =~ s/\s\s/ /gio;
$rusl =~ s/^\s//gio;
$rusl =~ s/\s\s/ /gio;
$rawl =~ s/^\s//gio;
$rawl =~ s/\s\s/ /gio;
print "[$tok] is current weather.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_presentweather;
# there can be multiple current weather types, so stay at this state
## special case: CAVOK
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_temperature) and ( $tok eq 'CAVOK' ))
push(@{$self->{SKY}}, "Sky Clear");
push(@{$self->{SKY_RUS}}, "Ясно");
push(@{$self->{WEATHER}},"No significant weather");
$self->{visibility} = '9999';
$parsestate = $expect_temperature;
## is it sky conditions (clear)?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_temperature) and ( $tok =~ /SKC|CLR/ ))
push(@{$self->{SKY}}, "Sky Clear");
push(@{$self->{SKY_RUS}}, "Ясно");
print "[$tok] is a sky condition.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_clouds;
## is it sky conditions (clouds)?
## sky conditions can end with ///
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_temperature) and ( $tok =~ /^(FEW|SCT|BKN|OVC)(\d\d\d)?(CB|TCU)?\/*$/i))
my $engl = "";
my $rusl = "";
my $rawl = "";
$engl = $_sky_types{$1};
$rusl = $_sky_types_ru{$1};
$rawl = $1;
if (defined $3)
if ($3 eq "TCU")
$engl .= " Towering Cumulus";
$rusl .= ", кучевые облака";
elsif ($3 eq "CB")
$engl .= " Cumulonimbus";
$rusl .= ", кучево-дождевые облака";
$rawl = $3;
if ($2 ne "")
my $agl = int($2)*100;
$engl .= " at $agl" . "ft";
$rusl .= " на высоте " . $agl*0.3048 . " м";
push(@{$self->{SKY}}, $engl);
push(@{$self->{SKY_RUS}}, $rusl);
push(@{$self->{SKY_RAW}}, $rawl);
print "[$tok] is a sky condition.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_clouds;
# clouds DO repeat. a lot ;)
## auto detected cloud conditions
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_temperature) and ( $tok =~ /^(NSC|NCD)$/ )){
my $engl = "";
my $rusl = "";
$engl = $_sky_types{$tok};
$rusl = $_sky_types_ru{$tok};
push(@{$self->{SKY}}, $engl);
push(@{$self->{SKY_RUS}}, $rusl);
push(@{$self->{SKY_RAW}}, $tok);
print "[$tok] is an automatic sky condition.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_temperature;
## Vertical visibility
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_temperature) and ( $tok =~ /^VV\d+$/ )){
print "[$tok] is vertical visibility.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_temperature;
## is it temperature and dew point info?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_pressure) and ($tok =~ /^(M?\d\d)\/(M?\d{0,2})/i))
next if $self->{temp_dew};
$self->{temp_dew} = $tok;
$self->{TEMP_C} = $1;
$self->{DEW_C} = $2;
$self->{TEMP_C} =~ s/^M/-/;
$self->{DEW_C} =~ s/^M/-/;
print "[$tok] is temperature/dew point information.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_pressure;
## is it an altimeter setting? (in.Hg)
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_remarks) and ($tok =~ /^A(\d\d)(\d\d)$/i))
$self->{alt} = $tok;
$self->{ALT} = "$1.$2"+0;
$self->{ALT_HP} = "$1.$2" * 33.863886;
print "[$tok] is an altimeter setting.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_recentweather;
## is it a pressure? (hPa)
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_remarks) and ($tok =~ /^Q(\d\d\d\d)$/i))
$self->{pressure} = $1;
$self->{ALT_HP} = $1;
$self->{ALT} = 0.029529983 * $self->{pressure};
print "[$tok] is an air pressure.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_recentweather;
## recent weather?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($parsestate < $expect_remarks) and ($tok =~ /^RE($_weather_types_pat)$/)){
print "[$tok] is recent significant weather.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_remarks;
## euro type trend?
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($tok =~ /^$_trend_types_pat/)){
print "[$tok] is a trend.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_remarks;
## us type remarks? .. can happen quite early in the process already
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_modifier) and ($tok =~ /^RMK$/i))
print "[$tok] is a (US type) remark.\n" if $self->{debug};
$parsestate = $expect_usremarks;
## automatic station type?
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_usremarks) and ($tok =~ /^A(O\d)$/i))
$self->{autostationtype} = $tok;
$self->{AUTO_STATIONTYPE} = $1;
print "[$tok] is an automatic station type remark.\n" if $self->{debug};
## sea level pressure
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_usremarks) and ($tok =~ /^SLP(\d+)/i))
$self->{slp} = $tok;
$self->{SLP} = "$1 mb";
print "[$tok] is a sea level pressure.\n" if $self->{debug};
## sea level pressure not available
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_usremarks) and ($tok eq "SLPNO"))
$self->{slp} = "SLPNO";
$self->{SLP} = "not available";
print "[$tok] is a sea level pressure.\n" if $self->{debug};
## hourly precipitation
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_usremarks) and ($tok =~ /^P(\d\d\d\d)$/i))
$self->{hourlyprecip} = $tok;
if ( $1 eq "0000" ) {
$self->{HOURLY_PRECIP} = "Trace";
} else {
$self->{HOURLY_PRECIP} = $1;
## weather begin/end times
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_usremarks) and ($tok =~ /^($_weather_types_pat)([BE\d]+)$/i))
my $engl = "";
my $times = $2;
$self->{weatherlog} = $tok;
$engl = $_weather_types{$1};
while ( $times =~ /(B|E)(\d\d)/g )
if ( $1 eq "B" ) {
$engl .= " began :$2";
} else {
$engl .= " ended :$2";
push(@{$self->{WEATHER_LOG}}, $engl);
print "[$tok] is a weather log.\n" if $self->{debug};
## remarks for significant cloud types
elsif (($parsestate >= $expect_recentweather) and ($tok eq "CB" || $tok eq "TCU"))
push(@{$self->{sigclouds}}, $tok);
if ( $tok eq "CB" ) {
push(@{$self->{SIGCLOUDS}}, "Cumulonimbus");
} elsif ( $tok eq "TCU" ) {
push(@{$self->{SIGCLOUDS}}, "Towering Cumulus");
$parsestate = $expect_usremarks;
## hourly temp/dewpoint
elsif (($parsestate == $expect_usremarks) and ($tok =~ /^T(\d)(\d\d)(\d)(\d)(\d\d)(\d)$/i))
$self->{hourlytempdew} = $tok;
if ( $1 == 1 ) {
$self->{HOURLY_TEMP_C} = "-";
$self->{HOURLY_TEMP_C} .= "$2.$3";
$self->{HOURLY_DEW_C} = "";
if ( $4 == 1 ) {
$self->{HOURLY_DEW_C} = "-";
$self->{HOURLY_DEW_C} .= "$5.$6";
print "[$tok] is a hourly temp and dewpoint.\n" if $self->{debug};
## unknown, not in remarks yet
elsif ($parsestate < $expect_remarks)
print "[$tok] is unexpected at this state.\n" if $self->{debug};
## unknown. assume remarks
print "[$tok] is unknown remark.\n" if $self->{debug};
## Now that the internal stuff is set, let's do the external
## stuff.
$self->{SITE} = $self->{site};
$self->{DATE} = substr($self->{date_time},0,2);
$self->{TIME} = substr($self->{date_time},2,4) . " UTC";
$self->{TIME} =~ s/(\d\d)(\d\d)/$1:$2/o;
$self->{MOD} = $self->{modifier};
## Okay, wind finally gets interesting.
if ( defined $self->{wind} )
my $wind = $self->{wind};
my $dir_deg = substr($wind,0,3);
my $wind_speed;
my $dir_eng = "";
my $dir_rus = "";
my $dir_abb = "";
$wind_speed = $1 if($wind =~ /...(\d{2,3})/o);
# Check for wind direction
if ($dir_deg =~ /VRB/i) {
$dir_deg = $dir_eng = "Variable";
$dir_rus = "переменный";
} else {
if ($wind_speed == 0 and $dir_deg == 0) {
# Calm wind (00000KT in METAR)
$dir_eng = "Calm";
$dir_rus = "штиль";
print "wind is calm\n" if $self->{debug};
} elsif ($dir_deg < 15) {
$dir_eng = "North";
$dir_abb = "N";
$dir_rus = "северный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 30) {
$dir_eng = "North/Northeast";
$dir_abb = "NNE";
$dir_rus = "северо-северо-восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 60) {
$dir_eng = "Northeast";
$dir_abb = "NE";
$dir_rus = "северо-восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 75) {
$dir_eng = "East/Northeast";
$dir_abb = "ENE";
$dir_rus = "восточный-северо-восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 105) {
$dir_eng = "East";
$dir_abb = "E";
$dir_rus = "восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 120) {
$dir_eng = "East/Southeast";
$dir_abb = "ESE";
$dir_rus = "восточный-юго-восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 150) {
$dir_eng = "Southeast";
$dir_abb = "SE";
$dir_rus = "юго-восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 165) {
$dir_eng = "South/Southeast";
$dir_abb = "SSE";
$dir_rus = "юго-юго-восточный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 195) {
$dir_eng = "South";
$dir_abb = "S";
$dir_rus = "южный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 210) {
$dir_eng = "South/Southwest";
$dir_abb = "SSW";
$dir_rus = "юго-юго-западный"
} elsif ($dir_deg < 240) {
$dir_eng = "Southwest";
$dir_abb = "SW";
$dir_rus = "юго-западный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 265) {
$dir_eng = "West/Southwest";
$dir_abb = "WSW";
$dir_rus = "западно-юго-западный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 285) {
$dir_eng = "West";
$dir_abb = "W";
$dir_rus = "западный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 300) {
$dir_eng = "West/Northwest";
$dir_abb = "WNW";
$dir_rus = "западно-северо-западный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 330) {
$dir_eng = "Northwest";
$dir_abb = "NW";
$dir_rus = "северо-западный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 345) {
$dir_eng = "North/Northwest";
$dir_abb = "NNW";
$dir_rus = "северо-северо-западный";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 360) {
$dir_eng = "North";
$dir_abb = "N";
$dir_rus = "северный";
} else {
# Shouldn't happen, but if for some reason the METAR
# information doesn't contain a reasonable direction...
$dir_eng = "undeterminable";
$dir_rus = "неопределенный";
my $kts_speed = undef;
my $mph_speed = undef;
my $mps_speed = undef;
my $kts_gust = "";
my $mph_gust = "";
my $mps_gust = "";
# parse knots
if ($self->{windtype} == $wt_knots){
$wind =~ /...(\d\d\d?)/o;
$kts_speed = $1;
$mph_speed = $kts_speed * 1.15077945;
$mps_speed = $kts_speed * 0.514444444;
if ($wind =~ /.{5,6}G(\d\d\d?)/o) {
$kts_gust = $1;
$mph_gust = $kts_gust * 1.15077945;
$mps_gust = $kts_gust * 0.514444444;
# else: parse meters/second
} elsif ($self->{windtype} == $wt_mps){
$wind=~ /...(\d\d\d?)/o;
$mps_speed = $1;
$kts_speed = $mps_speed * 1.9438445; # units
$mph_speed = $mps_speed * 2.2369363;
if ($wind =~ /\d{5,6}G(\d\d\d?)/o) {
$mps_gust = $1;
$kts_gust = $mps_gust * 1.9438445;
$mph_gust = $mps_gust * 2.2369363;
} else {
warn "Mod::Geo::METAR Parser error: unknown windtype\n";
$self->{WIND_KTS} = $kts_speed;
$self->{WIND_MPH} = $mph_speed;
$self->{WIND_MS} = $mps_speed;
$self->{WIND_GUST_KTS} = $kts_gust;
$self->{WIND_GUST_MPH} = $mph_gust;
$self->{WIND_GUST_MS} = $mps_gust;
$self->{WIND_DIR_DEG} = $dir_deg;
$self->{WIND_DIR_ENG} = $dir_eng;
$self->{WIND_DIR_ABB} = $dir_abb;
$self->{WIND_DIR_RUS} = $dir_rus;
## wind variation
if (defined $self->{windvar})
if ($self->{windvar} =~ /^(\d\d\d)V(\d\d\d)$/){
$self->{WIND_VAR} = "Varying between $1 and $2";
$self->{WIND_VAR_1} = $1;
$self->{WIND_VAR_2} = $2;
my @direction = (
15 => "North",
30 => "North/Northeast",
60 => "Northeast",
75 => "East/Northeast",
105 => "East",
120 => "East/Southeast",
150 => "Southeast",
165 => "South/Southeast",
195 => "South",
210 => "South/Southwest",
240 => "Southwest",
265 => "West/Southwest",
285 => "West",
300 => "West/Northwest",
330 => "Northwest",
345 => "North/Northwest",
360 => "North",
1000 => "undeterminable");
for(my $x = 0; $x < $#direction; $x += 2) {
if($self->{WIND_VAR_1} < $direction[$x]) {
$self->{WIND_VAR_ENG_1} = $direction[$x+1];
for(my $x = 0; $x < $#direction; $x += 2) {
if($self->{WIND_VAR_2} < $direction[$x]) {
$self->{WIND_VAR_ENG_2} = $direction[$x+1];
## Calculate relative humidity
my $esat = 6.11*(10**((7.5*$self->{TEMP_C})/(237.7+$self->{TEMP_C})));
my $esurf = 6.11*(10**((7.5*$self->{DEW_C})/(237.7+$self->{DEW_C})));
$self->{RH} = 100.0 * ($esurf/$esat);
## Calculate windchill temperature
my $windspeed = $self->{WIND_MS}*3.6;
$self->{TEMP_WC} = 13.12 + 0.6215*$self->{TEMP_C} - 11.37*($windspeed**0.16) + 0.3965*$self->{TEMP_C}*($windspeed**0.16);
## Visibility.
if($self->{visibility}) {
my $vis = $self->{visibility};
# test for statute miles
if ($vis =~ /SM$/){
$vis =~ s/SM$//oi; # nuke the "SM"
if ($vis =~ /M(\d\/\d)/o) {
$self->{VISIBILITY} = "Less than $1 statute miles";
$self->{VISIBILITY_RUS} = "Менее чем $1 статутных миль";
} else {
$self->{VISIBILITY} = $vis . " statute miles";
$self->{VISIBILITY} = $vis . " статутных миль";
} # end if
# auto metars can have non-directional visibility reports
} elsif (($self->{MOD} eq 'AUTO') and ($vis =~ /(\d+)NDV$/)){
$self->{VISIBILITY} = "$1 meters non-directional visibility";
$self->{VISIBILITY_RUS} = "$1 м непрямой видимости";
} else {
$self->{VISIBILITY} = $vis . " meters";
$self->{VISIBILITY_RUS} = $vis . " м";
## Calculate F temps for all C temps
foreach my $key ( keys(%$self) )
if ( uc($key) eq $key && $key =~ /^(.*)_C$/ )
my $fkey = $1 . "_F";
next unless defined $self->{$key} && $self->{$key};
$self->{$fkey} = sprintf("%.1f", (($self->{$key} * (9/5)) + 32));
# join the runway group
$self->{runway} = join(', ' , @{$self->{RUNWAY}});
## Print the tokens--usually when debugging.
sub print_tokens
my $self = shift;
my $tok;
foreach $tok (@{$self->{tokens}}) {
print "> $tok\n";
## Turn debugging on/off.
sub debug
my $self = shift;
my $flag = shift;
return $self->{debug} unless defined $flag;
if (($flag eq "Y") or ($flag eq "y") or ($flag == 1)) {
$self->{debug} = 1;
} elsif (($flag eq "N") or ($flag eq "n") or ($flag == 0)) {
$self->{debug} = 0;
return $self->{debug};
## Dump internal data structure. Useful for debugging and such.
sub dump
my $self = shift;
print "Modified METAR dump follows.\n\n";
print "type: $self->{type}\n";
print "site: $self->{site}\n";
print "date_time: $self->{date_time}\n";
print "modifier: $self->{modifier}\n";
print "wind: $self->{wind}\n";
print "variable wind: $self->{vrbwind}\n";
print "visibility: $self->{visibility}\n";
print "runway: $self->{runway}\n";
print "weather: " . join(', ', @{$self->{weather}}) . "\n";
print "sky: " . join(', ', @{$self->{sky}}) . "\n";
print "temp_dew: $self->{temp_dew}\n";
print "alt: $self->{alt}\n";
print "pressure: $self->{pressure}\n";
print "slp: $self->{slp}\n";
print "remarks: " . join (', ', @{$self->{remarks}}) . "\n";
print "\n";
foreach my $var ( sort(keys(%$self)) )
next if ( uc($var) ne $var );
if ( ref($self->{$var}) eq "ARRAY" )
print "$var: ", join(", ", @{$self->{$var}}), "\n";
print "$var: ", $self->{$var}, "\n";
=head1 NAME
Mod::Geo::METAR - Process aviation weather reports in the METAR format.
use Mod::Geo::METAR;
use strict;
my $m = new Mod::Geo::METAR;
$m->metar("KFDY 251450Z 21012G21KT 8SM OVC065 04/M01 A3010 RMK 57014");
print $m->dump;
METAR reports are available on-line, thanks to the National Weather Service.
Since reading the METAR format isn't easy for non-pilots, these reports are
relatively useles to the common man who just wants a quick glace at the
weather. This module tries to parse the METAR reports so the data can be
used to create readable weather reports and/or process the data in
=head1 USAGE
=head2 How you might use this
Here is how you I<might> use the Geo::METAR module.
One use that I have had for this module is to query the NWS METAR page
(using the LWP modules) at:
to get an
up-to-date METAR. Then, I scan thru the output, looking for what looks
like a METAR string (that's not hard in Perl). Oh, EHSB can be any site
location code where there is a reporting station.
I then pass the METAR into this module and get the info I want. I can
then update my webcam page with the current temperature, sky conditions, or
whatnot. See for yourself at http://webcam.idefix.net/
See the BUGS section for a remark about multiple passes with the same
Geo::METAR object.
=head2 Functions
The following functions are defined in the METAR module. Most of
them are I<public>, meaning that you're supposed to use
them. Some are I<private>, meaning that you're not supposed to use
them -- but I won't stop you. Assume that functions are I<public>
unless otherwise documented.
=item metar()
metar() is the function to whwich you should pass a METAR string. It
will take care of decomposing it into its component parts converting
the units and so on.
Example: C<$m-E<gt>metar("KFDY 251450Z 21012G21KT 8SM OVC065 04/M01 A3010 RMK 57014");>
=item debug()
debug() toggles debugging messages. By default, debugging is turned
B<off>. Turn it on if you are developing METAR or having trouble with
debug() understands all of the folloing:
Enable Disable
------ -------
1 0
'yes' 'no'
'on' 'off'
If you contact me for help, I'll likely ask you for some debugging
Example: C<$m-E<gt>debug(1);>
=item dump()
dump() will dump the internal data structure for the METAR in a
semi-human readable format.
Example: C<$m-E<gt>dump;>
=item version()
version() will print out the current version.
Example: C<print $m-E<gt>version;>
=item _tokenize()
Called internally to break the METAR into its component tokens.
=item _process()
Used to make sense of the tokens found in B<_tokenize()>.
=head2 Variables
After you've called B<metar()>, you'd probably like to get at
the individual values for things like temperature, dew point,
and so on. You do that by accessing individual variables via
the METAR object.
This section lists those variables and what they represent.
If you call B<dump()>, you'll find that it spits all of these
The version of METAR.pm that you're using.
=item METAR
The actual, raw METAR.
=item TYPE
Report type in English ("Routine Weather Report" or "Special Weather Report")
=item SITE
4-letter site code.
=item DATE
The date (just the day of the month) on which the report was issued.
=item TIME
The time at which the report was issued.
=item MOD
Modifier (AUTO/COR) if any.
The current wind direction in English (Southwest, East, North, etc.)
The current wind direction in Russian
The current wind direction in abbreviated English (S, E, N, etc.)
The current wind direction in degrees.
=item WIND_KTS
The current wind speed in Knots.
=item WIND_MPH
The current wind speed in Miles Per Hour.
=item WIND_MS
The current wind speed in Metres Per Second.
The current wind gusting speed in Knots.
The current wind gusting speed in Miles Per Hour.
The current wind gusting speed in Metres Per Second.
=item WIND_VAR
The wind variation in English
=item WIND_VAR_1
The first wind variation direction
=item WIND_VAR_ENG_1
The first wind variation direction in English
=item WIND_VAR_2
The second wind variation direction
=item WIND_VAR_ENG_2
The second wind variation direction in English
Visibility information.
Visibility information in Russian.
=item WIND
Wind information.
=item RUNWAY
Runway information.
Current weather (array)
Current weather in Russian (array)
Current weather in RAW-data (array)
Current weather log (array)
=item SKY
Current cloud cover (array)
==item SKY_RUS
Current cloud cover in Russian (array)
==item SKY_RAW
Current cloud cover in RAW-data (array)
=item TEMP_C
Temperature in Celsius.
=item TEMP_F
Temperature in Fahrenheit.
=item TEMP_WC
Windchill Temperature in Celsius.
=item DEW_C
Dew point in Celsius.
=item DEW_F
Dew point in Fahrenheit.
Hourly current temperature, fahrenheit
Hourly current temperature, celcius
Hourly dewpoint, fahrenheit
Hourly dewpoint, celcius
=item ALT
Altimeter setting (barometric pressure).
=item ALT_HP
Altimeter setting in hectopascals.
Any remarks in the report.
=head1 NOTES
Test suite is small and incomplete. Needs work yet.
Older versions of this module were installed as "METAR" instaed of
=head1 BUGS
The Geo::METAR is only initialized once, which means you'll get left-over
crud in variables when you call the metar() function twice.
What is an invalid METAR in one country is a standard one in the next.
The standard is interpreted and used by meteorologists all over the world,
with local variations. This means there will always be METARs that will
trip the parser.
=head1 TODO
There is a TODO file included in the Geo::METAR distribution listing
the outstanding tasks that I or others have devised. Please check that
list before you submit a bug report or request a new feture. It might
already be on the TODO list.
Copyright 1997-2000, Jeremy D. Zawodny <Jeremy [at] Zawodny.com>
Copyright 2007, Koos van den Hout <koos@kzdoos.xs4all.nl>
Copyright 2010, Alexander Wolf <alex.v.wolf@gmail.com>
Mod::Geo::METAR is covered under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2 or
The Mod::Geo::METAR Web site is located at:
=head1 CREDITS
In addition to our work on Geo::METAR, We've received ideas, help, and
patches from the following folks:
* Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks [at] gmail.com>
Testing of Geo::METAR at the South Pole. Corrections and pointers
to interesting cases to test.
* Otterboy <jong [at] watchguard.com>
Random script fixes and initial debugging help
* Remi Lefebvre <remi [at] solaria.dhis.org>
Debian packaging as libgeo-metar-perl.deb.
* Mike Engelhart <mengelhart [at] earthtrip.com>
Wind direction naming corrections.
* Michael Starling <mstarling [at] logic.bm>
Wind direction naming corrections.
* Hans Einar Nielssen <hans.einar [at] nielssen.com>
Wind direction naming corrections.
* Nathan Neulinger <nneul [at] umr.edu>
Lots of enhancements and corrections. Too many to list here.
B<lcdproc> at http://www.lcdproc.org/ uses Geo::METAR in lcdmetar.pl to
display weather data on an lcd.
# vim:expandtab:sw=4 ts=4
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# $Id: metar.t,v 1.1 2007/11/13 21:19:27 koos Exp $
# Test script for METAR installation.
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }
use Geo::ModMETAR;
my %tally = (passed => 0, failed => 0, skipped => 0);
print "Testing METAR.\n";
my $m = new Geo::ModMETAR;
# Create a new instance.
if (ref $m eq 'Mod::Geo::METAR') {
} else {
## Try out one hard-coded example. We need many more of these.
if ($m->metar("KFDY 251450Z 21012G21KT 8SM OVC065 04/M01 A3010 RMK 57014")) {
} else {
if ($m->SITE eq "KFDY") {
} else {
if ($m->DATE eq "25") {
} else {
if ($m->MOD eq "AUTO") {
} else {
if ($m->TEMP_F eq "39.2") {
} else {
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METAR Wishlist
Following is a list of items that I'd like to add to METAR or that
others have requested. I've listed them here in the order that they're
likely to be completed.
* Improved the test suite.
It'd be nice to have a lot of METARs which encompass various
weather condition which we can test against.
* International METAR support.
Sites around the world use similar (but slightly different)
formats for their METARs. There is always a METAR format the parser
will fail on.
* Calculate Heat Index and/or Wind Chill
Both would be fairly easy to do, provided you get the formulas
correct. (Those vary around the world!)
If you'd like to submit a patch for any of these, please let me know!
Please put 'METAR' in the subject of your e-mail.
Koos van den Hout <koos@kzdoos.xs4all.nl>
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use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
NAME => 'Geo::ModMETAR',
PREREQ_PM => {},