Хранилища Subversion pytwidcpp

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Учитывать пробелы Редакция 3 → Редакция 4

7,29 → 7,24
import socket
import re
class NMDC(protocol.Protocol):
class NMDC(basic.LineReceiver):
NMDC Protocol implementation
delimiter = "|"
buffer = ""
encoding = None
hostname = None
def dataReceived(self, data):
print "Data: %s" % data
lines = (self.buffer + data).split("|")
print self.buffer
for line in lines:
if len(line) <= 2:
print "Line: %s" % line
def lineReceived(self, line):
print "Line Received: %s" % line
command, params = self.parseLine(line)
self.handleCommand(command, params)
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print "Conlost: %s" %self
def connectionMade(self):
print "Made connect"
23,7 → 23,7
# this connects the protocol to a server runing on port 8000
def main():
f = NMDCFactory()
reactor.connectTCP("", 31337 , f)
reactor.connectTCP("verlihub.org", 4111 , f)
# this only runs if the module was *not* imported